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Partial Code Generating Techniques

Several strategies can be used to partially update a tackle file.

Rendering Segments Ahead of Time

Segments of a code generation can be done ahead of time.

python_function_template: |
  {%for i in foo%}
  def {{i}}Function(x: int, y: int)
    print(x + y)
  {% endfor%}

python_function_rendered->: {{python_function_template}}

Which can then be further combined within the tackle file, rendered into a template, or updated within a file as described below.

Generating a File Once

Within the generate hook, there is an option to skip_if_file_exists which can mark certain files as non-renderable if they are code generated and expected to change after the code generation. This way the files are only generated once and skipped if they exist.

Updating a Section

Using the update_section hook, you can set markers in a document to pass over rendering to. For instance lets say you wanted to hand control over to tackle for updating a table in the document. Once could do:


  help: Update the table
      - name: Stuff
        desc: A thing
      - name: Thing
        desc: A stuff
      ->: update_section
      content: |
        | Name | Description |
        {% for i in rows %}| {{}} | {{i.desc}} |
        {% endfor %}

Running tackle update-readme

My App...

[//]: # (--start--)

| Name | Description |
| Stuff | A thing |
| Thing | A stuff |

[//]: # (--end--)

Does stuff

You can also update multiple sections by toggling the start_render and end_render fields. It is also up to you how you build the sources which could be in remote locations.