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Hook for jinja templates. If given an output, the rendered contents are output to a file, otherwise the rendered contents are output as a string.


Name Type Default Required Description
template str True Path to the template to render relative to file_system_loader.
start_marker str <!-start-> True Some marker in the template to start replacing the contents within.
end_marker str <!-end-> True Some marker in the template to stop replacing the contents within.
start_line int None False The line number to update from. Supersedes marker.
extra_context dict None False Extra context update the global context to render with.
render_context dict None False A render context that invalidates the default context.
additional_context dict None False A map to use as additional context when rendering.
file_system_loader Union[str, list] . True List of paths or string path to directory with templates to load from. Docs.


Position Argument Type
1 template str

