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Prompt Provider

Wraps PyInquirer python package for basic prompting.


Type Description Return
checkbox Hook for PyInquirer checkbox type prompts. Allows the user to multi-select from a list of choices and outputs a list. Takes in three forms of choices inputs. A list of string, a list of maps with all keys having a name field per the original spec, or list of maps with the key as the question, the value as the output. list
confirm Hook to confirm with a message and return a boolean. Source example bool
editor Hook for PyInquirer editor type prompts. Opens an editor like nano to fill in a field. Source example bool
expand Hook for PyInquirer expand type prompt. Source example list
input Hook for PyInquirer 'input' type prompts. Allows the user to input a string input. Source example str
password Hook for PyInquirer password type prompts. Masks the input as the user types it in. Source example str
rawlist Hook for PyInquirer 'rawlist' type prompts. Similar to select hook with lessflexibility. Source example list
select Hook for PyInquirer 'list' type prompts, a single selector that returns a string. Takes in two forms of choices inputs, list of string or list of maps with the key as the question and the value as the output. Source example Any



Prompt that allows user to input a field.

compact_implicit->: input
compact_with_question->: input Ask a question?
  ->: input
  message: A question?
  default: things
? compact_implicit >>>
? Ask a question?
? A question?  things

compact_implicit: <user input>
compact_with_question: <user input>
input_expanded: <user input>


A selector that limits the input to a list of choices. Generally this is written in expanded form.

compact->: select "What do you want?" ['stuff','things']
  ->: select
    - stuff
    - things
? What do you want?  stuff
? expanded >>>  (Use arrow keys)

compact: stuff
expanded: things


A checkbox that allow the user to chose multiple choices and returns a list of those choices.

  ->: input
    - stuff
    - things