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File Provider

Hooks that operate on the files.


Type Description Return
chmod Hook for changing the mode of a path or paths. NoneType
chown Hook for changing the ownership of a file with shutil. NoneType
copy Hook coying a file/files or directory/directories to a location. NoneType
create_file Hook to create an empty file - like touch. Union[str, list]
file Hook to read or write a file. Optional[str]
move Hook for moving a directory or directories to a location. NoneType
read_section Hook for reading a section of a document. None
remove Hook for removing a directory or directories. NoneType
shred Hook for shredding file/files. NoneType
unzipfile Hook to unzip a file. None
which Wrapper of shutil.which -> posix which. str
zipfile Hook to zip a file or directory. None



Copy a file or directory single file

compact->: copy path/to/file output/path
  ->: jinja
  template: path/to/file
  output: output/path


Change directory permissions

compact->: chmod tackle.yaml "0o600"
  ->: chmod
  path: tackle.yaml
  mode: "0o600"