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Project Structure

Tackle box parses arbitrary configuration files (yaml / toml / json) called tackle files and only modifies the content with the calling of a hook. Hooks can be both written in python or declared within the tackle files and are grouped into providers. Providers don't necessarily need to have hooks or tackle files but logically would have at least one of them to do anything. So to be explicit:

  • tackle file
  • A configuration file that runs or declares hooks
  • By default it is a file called tackle.yaml and is located at the base of a provider
  • Can be called by other tackle files or can be imported to gain access to hooks declared within the tackle file
  • Additional docs can be found here for how to write tackle files
  • hook
  • A reusable piece of logic that can be called from within tackle files
  • Either written in python or declared within a tackle file
  • Both python and declarative hooks are strongly typed and contain attributes to make calling them easy
  • provider
  • An importable / callable collection of hooks and / or a tackle files that runs hooks
  • Tackle ships with a core set of native providers to do basic prompting / system operations / code generation
  • Third party providers are generally stored in github repos and can be imported / called from other tackle files
  • Additional docs can be found here for how to create providers

For instance this is the basic layout of a provider:

├── hooks
│ └──
│ └──
│ └── requirements.txt
└── tackle.yaml

Which if it was located in github could be called with tackle <github org>/<repo name>

For code generators and other utilities that don't have any custom hooks, the provider structure could be as simple as:

├── templates
│ └── file1.tpl
│ └── file2.tpl
└── tackle.yaml

Tackle files can also be run on their own or call one another.

Remote providers

Tackle adheres to the XDG base directory specification and stores all the local configuration files in ~/.config/tackle such as providers which are stores at ~/.config/tackle/providers/<provider org>/<provider name>.