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YAML Provider

Wraps yaml library to read and write yaml.


Type Description Return
yaml Hook for reading and writing yaml. Hook reads from path if no data field is provided, otherwise it writes the data to path. Union[dict, str]
yaml_decode Hook for decoding a yaml string to a dict. dict
yaml_encode Hook for converting a dict to a yaml encoded string. str
yaml_in_place Hook for modifying a yaml in place (ie read, transform, and write back to the file in one operation). WIP -> Union[str, dict]


Read yaml

Read a yaml file into a key

compact->: yaml path/to/file.yaml
  ->: yaml
  path: path/to/file.yaml

Write yaml

Read a yaml file into a key

  and: things
compact->: yaml path/to/file.yaml "{{stuff}}"
  ->: yaml
  path: path/to/file.yaml
  contents: "{{ stuff }}"