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Type Description Return
editor Hook for PyInquirer editor type prompts. message: String message to show when prompting.:param choices: A list of strings or list of k/v pairs per above description:param name: A key to insert the output value to. If not provided defaults to inserting into parent key
input Hook for PyInquirer 'input' type prompts.Example: message: String message to show when prompting.:param choices: A list of strings or list of k/v pairs per above description:param name: A key to insert the output value to. If not provided defaults to inserting into parent key:return: String answer
confirm Hook to confirm with a message and return a boolean.
rawlist Hook for PyInquirer 'rawlist' type prompts.Example: message: String message to show when prompting.:param choices: A list of strings or list of k/v pairs per above description:param name: A key to insert the output value to. If not provided defaults to inserting into parent key:return: String for the answer
expand Hook for PyInquirer expand type prompt.Example: message: String message to show when prompting.:param choices: A list of strings or list of k/v pairs per above description:param name: A key to insert the output value to. If not provided defaults to inserting into parent key:return: List of answers
select Hook for PyInquirer 'list' type prompts.Takes in two forms of choices inputs.1. list of string2. list of maps with the key as the output, the value as displayed question:param message: String message to show when prompting.:param choices: A list of strings or list of k/v pairs per above description:param name: A key to insert the output value to. If not provided defaults to inserting into parent key:param index::return: String for answer
password Hook for PyInquirer password type prompts.
checkbox Hook for PyInquirer type prompts.Takes in three forms of choices inputs.1. list of string2. list of maps with all keys = name3. list of maps with the key as the output, the value as displayed question:param message: String message to show when prompting.:param choices: A list of strings or list of k/v pairs per above description:param name: A key to insert the output value to. If not provided defaults to inserting into parent key:param qmark: A marker to select with like 😃:return: List of answers