Tackle Box

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Tackle box is a declarative DSL for building modular workflows and code generators. Tool is plugins based and can easily be extended by writing additional hooks or importing external providers creating a web of interoperable CLIs.

WARNING - Project still alpha. Will be officially released shortly.


More demos coming - tackle-box is still early alpha.

pip3 install tackle-box

# Create a new provider in one minute
tackle robcxyz/tackle-provider

# Push to github and now you can call it
tackle <your GH username>/tackle-your-provider
# Or alternatively import/call it from another tackle file


  • Declarative: Everything is in yaml with easy to use interfaces

  • Turing complete: Loops, conditionals and branching is supported

  • Modular: New providers can be created or imported remotely

  • Lean: Tackle box has only 4 dependencies - core logic <1k LOC

Basic Usage / Structure

Tackle-box can be called against any yaml/json file or remote location by specifying the path to a repo / directory. By default, tackle looks for a tackle.yaml file in the target location which is parsed sequentially with each key / value or item in a list traversed, parsed, and rendered on hook calls indicated by an arrow (->). Tackle box ships with ~70 hooks to do basic prompting / code generation / system operations but can easily be extended by writing additional hooks.

For instance given the following directory structure:

├── hooks
│ └── stuff.py
└── tackle.yaml

With **stuff.py** looking like:

from tackle import BaseHook

class Stuff(BaseHook):
    hook_type: str = "do-stuff"
    things: str
    _args: list = ['things']

    def execute(self):
        return self.things.title()

One could write a **tackle.yaml** that looks like this:

compact->: do-stuff a string
  if: compact == 'A String'
  ->: do-stuff
  things: "{{compact}} That Renders!"

Which if you call tackle in that directory would result in the following context:

compact: A String
expanded: A String That Renders!

Which you can use to then generate code, print out to file, or do any number of custom actions with additional hook calls or calls to other tackle providers. For instance if you wanted to use it in another tackle provider and generate code, you would use:

remote_call->: tackle robcxyz/tackle-do-stuff  # Fictitious repo
gen->: generate path/to/jinja/templates output/path

Which would result in the same context embedded under the remote_call key and would be used to generate files / directories of templates to the output path.

Road Map

The main challenge with this project is going to be reaching a stable syntax that people can reliably build on. Until that happens any feedback is welcome both on the core parsing logic or hook interfaces. A place outside of github issues will be made to better accommodate those conversations.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the Cookiecutter project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms, and mailing lists is expected to follow the PyPA Code of Conduct.


Special thanks to the cookiecutter community for creating the inspiration for this project.